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From March 28 to April 1, 2022, a training event organized by GIZ – “Training on the use of the Climate Expert tool” was held in the city of Guliston, Sughd region. The trainer was Daria Gettuyeva, the Leading Trainer from the German consulting firm «аdelphi».

The five-day training was aimed at gaining new knowledge and strengthening their teaching, advisory and technical support skills to use a tool that helps companies identify the risks and opportunities of climate change and develop adaptation strategies and measures to minimize and avoid economic losses.

The beneficiaries are the respective SMEs, start-ups, rural professionals and agronomists. The content, methodology and process of using CET were presented to the participants in the form of theory studies, exercises and case studies. Participants were introduced to selected climate-smart farming and water management practices.

During the training, the participants got acquainted with such terms as:

  • Hazard
  • Adaptive capacity
  • Exposure
  • Impacts (consequences, outcomes)
  • Risk
  • Sensitivity
  • Vulnerability
  • Resilience


The training program included the following topics:

  1. Introduction and basic climate concepts
  2. Impact and adaptation in Tajikistan
  3. Mitigation, adaptation and the private sector
  4. Climate Expert Approach
  5. Introduction to using the Excel tool


The Climate Expert approach helps organizations cope with climate change, analyze their climate change risks and opportunities, and develop effective adaptation strategies.

The Climate Expert Tool (CET) is an Excel-based tool with which a consultant develops a climate change adaptation strategy for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), but with them. CET is used to assess the risks and opportunities of climate change and to develop an adaptation strategy through a co-creation process. It has been applied to SMEs in India, Bangladesh, Rwanda and Costa Rica. The CET tool helps companies explore various aspects of climate change and adaptation, but does not do the work for them. CET includes a systematic step-by-step process of 15-20 Excel sheets.

As you know, Tajikistan is an active participant in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Many changes for the better have taken place in Tajikistan over the past years. The use of renewable energy sources of water, sun and biomass has increased many times over in the country. This, in turn, has improved the energy supply of the population and social facilities such as schools and hospitals, reduced the environmental burden on forests, and contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. Major roads and traffic control systems are being upgraded, tunnels and bridges are being built to reduce distances and improve traffic safety. This has helped to connect Tajikistan with international transport corridors and, given the widespread use of gas fuels in transport, has helped to maintain low levels of greenhouse gas emissions in the transport industry.

The area of ​​Tajikistan is 142.6 thousand square kilometers, and 93% of its territory is occupied by mountains. Altitude ranges from 300 to 7495 meters above sea level, and about half of the area is in the zone above 3000 meters. The country is located in the depths of the continental zone, at a considerable distance from the seas and oceans. The climatic conditions of Tajikistan are very diverse: from cold and hot arid climate to humid subtropical. Mountain ranges and significant elevation changes further expand the range of temperatures, humidity and precipitation. The average annual temperature in the south, for example, reaches +17°C, while in the Pamir mountains it is -6°C. The weather systems of the Arctic, the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean influence the country, which, combined with the mountainous terrain, makes it extremely difficult to model the climate and assess its changes. Extreme low and high temperatures, which are observed in desert areas, as well as other extreme weather events, are a potential threat. In addition, Tajikistan is located in a seismically active zone, and in combination these tectonic and climatic features complicate the design of infrastructure.

Tajikistan’s emissions remain the lowest in Central Asia, both in absolute terms and per capita, as confirmed by international sources. Despite the fact that the republic does not have a numerical commitment to reduce emissions under the UNECE RK, its emissions have decreased by one third compared to the 1990s. This significant decline is due to the collapse of the Soviet economy and structural changes associated with the transition to a market economy and independence. Carbon dioxide emissions have remained fairly stable over the past decade, but are expected to increase in the current decade. The emission profile of Tajikistan is very different from other countries in Central Asia: since the late 1990s and until now, agriculture has been the main source of greenhouse gas emissions. Given the low level of mechanization of the industry, underfeeding of domestic animals, and low use of fertilizers, emissions from this industry in Tajikistan are lower compared to other countries in Asia or Europe.


Third National Communication of the Republic of Tajikistan under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Dushanbe, 2014. – 167 p., Edited by: A. Kayumov, professor, corresponding member of the Engineering Academy; V. Novikova

Currently, the main efforts of Tajikistan to adapt to climate change are focused on hydropower, renewable energy, agriculture and forestry, adequate response and disaster risk reduction, as well as the provision of hydrometeorological services. Many adaptation actions, such as work on hydrology and flooding, and on infrastructure, fall under all of the above priorities. These areas have been prioritized based less on the severity of climate change impacts and more on the fact that a significant proportion of vulnerable populations and infrastructure are located there. Current climate change adaptation actions focus on economic entities and industries of national importance. However, environmental organizations are assisting in the development of local adaptation plans and have already involved many villages and local communities in this activity. About 75% of the republic’s population lives in rural areas and most of it is employed in agriculture.

Third National Communication of the Republic of Tajikistan under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Dushanbe, 2014. – 167 p., Edited by: A. Kayumov, professor, corresponding member of the Engineering Academy; V. Novikova


In addition to being poorly funded and carrying financial risks, the industry is particularly vulnerable to climate volatility and variability. However, local experts point out that agriculture has significant potential to adapt to climate change and, in parallel, mitigate the impact of human activities on the climate. This potential can be realized through proper planning and application of appropriate technologies to reduce the pressure on critical water and land resources, as well as by keeping energy consumption low. Due to exposure to high temperatures over a long period, many rural workers in Tajikistan are exposed to heat stress from the heat. Studies have shown that heat waves in Europe have led to significant increases in mortality rates there. In Tajikistan, as such, the warning of “heat-waves” or “heat waves” is not practiced. However, an adaptation strategy must take into account the large number of rural and urban workers who are exposed to high temperatures for extended periods of time, as well as the likelihood that climate change will lead to higher maximum temperatures and longer heat waves.

Third National Communication of the Republic of Tajikistan under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Dushanbe, 2014. – 167 p., Edited by: A. Kayumov, professor, corresponding member of the Engineering Academy; V. Novikova


Taking into account the urgency of global environmental problems and their close relationship with local conditions and the state of the environment, the republic joined and ratified a number of important international agreements. All of the above once again emphasizes the importance of the learning event and contributes to raising the awareness of society’s stakeholders on climate change.

The material was prepared by Tilavova F.